Book Depository carries both Minder and Adversary, and I sometimes use it to send giveaway copies outside the U.S. They pay me royalties and have free shipping, so it's actually more cost effective than sending an in-stock copy from New Hampshire.
They also have a "watch people buy books" feature that I find hypnotic. Check it out here: It's like watching fish in a fishtank...if the fish were buying books.
BTW, if you're still in the market for a query critique, J.N. Duncan's giving one away from none other than Nathan Bransford! Check it out here.
UPDATE: Missy's Reads and Reviews has a Ganzfield theme all this week! Click on the sign to check it out!
...Someone in the Netherlands bought Zen Shorts...Someone in Spain bought Savage Dragon...Someone in Sweden bought The War of the Dwarves...
That is the freakiest link ever. I've shut it down or I won't get ANY work done today. So much fun being a book voyeur. hahaha
I didnt know they had that, I can watch this all day.
OH I love book depository! I have sent a copy of Minder to Australia as a giveaway!
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