Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Snow Days in May

Remember when you were a kid and snow days were good things? Now that I'm a mom, they don't hold nearly the appeal they once did.

We had a bunch of them over this past winter, and they used up all the allotted snow days in the school calendar--and then some. So, now the kids in our town go to school 15 minutes earlier and get out 15 minutes later. I'm not sure if this actually translates to more learning time in the classroom, but it definitely means I have to wake up earlier. *sigh/yawn*

I hope they build a bit more wiggle room in the calendar next year. Or maybe Global Warming will hurry up and turn New Hampshire into the tropical paradise I'm half-expecting it will be by the time the kids go off to college.

UPDATE: Oh! And Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you!


Jess said...

We haven't gotten to that point in my part of Colorado, but we're still getting snow. My stepdaughter's track meet was cancelled due to snow on Monday (*irrationally shakes fist at sky*) said...

I say many thanks to Mr. admin website I read this, because in this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his

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