Friday, December 3, 2010

Fun for Friday

I'm still editing--about halfway through Half-Blood--so let me put up something fun today:

UPDATE: There's a query contest over at Turning the Page this month; check it out!

Happy Weekend!


Disgruntled Bear said...

For a first taste of this book, check out Jennifer's blog:

And then envy me, because I'm reading the rest of it right now!

Jodi Henry said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and signing up for my fest/contest. Please don't forget to leave me a link to this post in the comment section og the sign up page.


Anonymous said...

I say many thanks to Mr. admin website I read this, because in this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his

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Obat Terapi Penghilang Syaraf Kejepit
Bahan Alami Penambah Gairah Pria
Pembalut Yang Aman Bagi Kesehatan
Seputar Ciri Urine Penderita Penyakit Ginjal