Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Department of Redundancy Department

I seem to be repeating myself a lot lately. Repeating. A lot. Repeating myself. Ugh.

My marketing campaign starts this week. I keep posting the same bio, and the same jacket copy, over and over.

In fact, here it is again:

About Kate Kaynak
I was born and raised in New Jersey, but I was able to escape. My degree from Yale says I was a psych major, but my true course of study was
After serving a five-year sentence in graduate school, I started teaching psychology around the world for the University of Maryland.
While in Izmir, Turkey, I started up a conversation with a handsome stranger in an airport. I ended up marrying him.
We now live in New Hampshire with our three preschool-aged kids, where I enjoy reading, writing, and fighting crime with my amazing superpowers.

Sixteen-year-old Maddie Dunn is special, but she needs to figure out how to use her new abilities before somebody else gets hurt. Ganzfield is a secret training facility full of people like her, but it's not exactly a nurturing place.
Every social interaction carries the threat of mind-control.
A stray thought can burn a building to the ground.
And people's nightmares don't always stay in their own heads.
But it's still better than New Jersey.
Especially once she meets the man of her dreams...

I sometimes change out the "YPMB" line, if the bio's going somewhere without link-access. But that's my life, distilled down to 100 words. Sometimes I think I'll be puttering around the nursing home in 2050, muttering about how I escaped from New Jersey. And I'll still be gushing about that book I wrote to anyone who can't move out of earshot fast enough.

I hope some of the other nursing home residents have dementia, so I'll always have a fresh audience.


Disgruntled Bear said...

How sick is it to wish dementia on my future nursing-home-mates?

Unknown said...

Sorry, I haven't been following your blog. Congrats on your book. You have an impressive bio, but IMHO, I think it would help if you spelled out the acronym YPMB. Never assume people know what you know. All the best on your journey to publication.

Unknown said...

Ok, I know you are disgruntled, but carefully read what you have written, it can't all be that dire! Would any one else have a reaction like mine, or is it just me? Hugs...

Brenda St John Brown said...

NJ isn't that bad. Of course, I managed to escape it myself.

Disgruntled Bear said...

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Sorry if I seem grumpier than usual--I think I need a vacation, and the nearest break in my schedule looks to be in about September of 2016...

Andrea, thanks for the good wishes. There's a link embedded in the "YPMB" (Yale Precision Marching Band--which is not precise and doesn't march), but the blue font color made it invisible.

Carole, thanks for the hugs. I really didn't like living in New Jersey, which is why the two parts of my bio where I did (childhood and grad school) come across so negatively. I've LOVED living in so many other places, including Hopkinton, NH, my current home.

Brenda, I know you escaped to Europe, the same way I did! That's about far enough to no longer notice the smell of exhaust and pretzels. :)

What? It's still only Tuesday?