Thursday, January 21, 2010

What are you reading?

What's on your nightstand these days? Have you recently finished a great book? Please comment!


Disgruntled Bear said...

I just finished Grossman's THE MAGICIANS a couple of days ago. My sister had recommended it as "Harry Potter for grown-ups." Instead, I found the MC disturbingly recognizable. I'm also someone who grew up on the outskirts of New York, filled with dissatisfaction and existential angst. The magical elements were almost tangential to the coming-of-age of the MC, and I cared too much when bad things happened.

I'm still digesting this book; parts keep sneaking up and biting me when I'm not looking.

BTW, that's a good thing.

Matthias said...

I just recently finished that too. I've been describing it to people the same way, mostly: Harry Potter mashed up with Narnia, for grownups. And then I usually repeat the "for grownups" part. I liked it a lot.

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