I've been obsessively tracking my copy of Mockingjay as it makes its way here to rural New Hampshire. Given the themes of the Hunger Games series, I'm aware of the irony of using technology to track a low-tech item like a book.
Tough--now I know it's here in town. It should arrive in my mailbox this morning.
I'll have to physically put it down to drive, I think, but it's going to be tough. However, I've got a good reason: I have my Adversary book event at Borders in Concord (on Fort Eddy Rd.--exit 14 off Rt. 93) at 7:30 tonight. If you're in Southern New Hampshire, please stop by. Mention that you read the Disgruntled Bear and I'll give you extra chocolate or something.
Did I mention there will be chocolate? Books and chocolate.
And last night, Ganzfield and Hunger Games fused in my dreams, *tiny spoiler* centering around the term "avox."
After devouring "Deathly Hallows" in less than a day, I looked up and was pleased to find that all three of my children were still alive.
LOL (all three children were still alive!)
i'm doing the exact same thing with my copy of MOCKINGJAY. but alas i still have to wait until saturday. :(
books and chocolate = HEAVEN!
Lucky you, I'm usually ordering books for my husband to read while I slog away at writing my own. But I did have a 'busman's holiday', as we say over here - whilst waiting for my husband to have back treatment I read most of a children's book by Diana Wynne Jones, a real treat! :-)
OMG I haven't finished Mockingjay so I'm hiding from twitter and most blogs. If you get a chance check out my Mockingjay Day adventure! (no spoilers)
Let me know when you come to Texas!
Gah--it's still not here! I haven't checked the mailbox so much since April of senior year in high school!
I understand collage acceptances come online now. It's like we live in the not-too-distant future.
Cari--thanks for the non-spoiler alternative. I made the mistake of glancing at Twitter last night, then trying to claw out my eyes--but it was too late.
Carole--do you recall the title?
It's HERE! Um...bye!
Done. And it's awesome.
Oh look, the kids are still alive.
i couldn't read that fast... ever!
Yeah, aspiring_x, I devour books. I have to finish them before I sleep or they haunt my dreams.
Cari, avoid the spoilers until you're done--stuff isn't settled until the last page.
I say many thanks to the father of the website admin I read this, because at this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his
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