There's another one at The Bookish Type, which is a great blog written by a fellow Yalie:
I mention both of these specifically because they each read for detail at several levels. I started thinking about what part of a review makes me click over to Amazon and throw a copy into my shopping cart. My "saved for later" section's got about 80 books in it now--I'll buy them when I have the time and money.
So tell me, what flips your "I have to read that" switch?
Great characters? Unique premise? Fluid prose? Emotional pull? Intricate plot? Heart-stopping action? Page-turning suspense? Snappy dialogue? Powerful narrative voice? Something I didn't mention but probably should know about?
Back to the galleys--I think I should have some burly, sweaty guy sitting in front of my desk and pounding out the cadence on a big drum. Proof...proof...proof...
(Get it? Galleys? Like the old rowing ships in movies like Ben Hur and-- oh, never mind).